Restaurants | Kuban Inn

Restaurants | Kuban Inn

Direct booking

Direct booking, without intermediaries

Our restaurants

At Mesón Kubano we offer you quality, variety and personalized and exclusive treatment in our two restaurants: Ka Nostra Restaurant Y El Toro Restaurant.

Both restaurants are located in the Plaza Mayor de Sant Mateu, just 80 meters from the hotel. We offer you the best option to enjoy the best gastronomy in the area.


Ka Nostra

A perfect plan to enjoy the best moments with your family and friends. In it Ka Nostra Restaurant we have several rooms where you can hold private events, business dinners, family parties and much more. Come and taste our fantastic specialties and regional and international dishes with the Ka Nostra guarantee.

Ka Nostra is the Restaurant No. 1 of Sant Mateu on Trip Advisor.

Ka Nostra Restaurant
El Toro Restaurant

The bull

In the Plaza Mayor de Sant Mateu, in the El Toro Restaurant We are specialized in Mediterranean and Spanish cuisine recipes.

In El Toro we serve breakfast to our guests (from 8:00 to 11:00)
The best way to start the day!